How Building Student Felicity became the Master of her Destiny.

The students at Master Builders never cease to amaze the trainers and staff with their amazing achievements. The dedication to reaching their qualification goals takes a lot of hard work and time management – many working full time and juggling family commitments.
Master Builders works with our students to provide them with all the support and encouragement they need to hit their study milestones and complete their qualifications. For many, this is the first step on their pathway to an industry licence.
For recent graduate Felicity Pettiford, her achievement has meant so much more than just an industry licence. At just 20 years of age, she has achieved the title of the youngest female student at Master Builders to complete the Certificate IV in Building and Construction. She is proud to be an active ambassador and role model for young women making a start in the male-dominated construction industry.

Masters Builders has nominated Felicity for the 2024 Vocational Student of the Year in the NSW Training Awards, and the team couldn’t think of a more worthy recipient. There is nothing like witnessing students have their hard work recognised by both Education NSW and the Building and Construction Industry.
The NSW Training Awards are prestigious awards conducted annually by Training Services NSW within the NSW Department of Education to recognise outstanding achievement in the vocation and training sector.
Felicity has been committed to a career in the industry since high school when she opted to do construction as an elective and loved everything about it. Not entirely sure how to make a career in construction a reality, but with the full support of her parents, Felicity started a carpentry apprenticeship. With advice and support from Master Builders, she realised that becoming a licenced builder was the career pathway for her and enthusiastically embarked on this next stage in her construction journey.
“Juggling full-time work on the tools and studying towards my Cert IV taught me valuable time management skills,” Felicity says of her time completing her qualification. “I was well supported by both my employer and Master Builders during the 2 years of study. All the way through, I knew I had someone in my corner who would help me prioritise and be a sounding board to help keep me focussed.”
And Master Builders’ support hasn’t stopped with the completion of Felicity’s Certificate IV in Building and Construction. Master Builders is backing Felicity for the 2024 Vocational Student of the Year in the NSW Training Awards.
“Felicity has achieved so much in a few short years and is the youngest female student at Master Builders to complete her Cert IV in Building and Construction. Not only is she committed to building her successful career, but she is also an active and fantastic role model and advocate for women in the industry. She truly epitomizes what you can achieve with hard work and determination” says Jody.
“We were delighted to support and endorse Felicity’s achievements in her nomination for the NSW Training Awards,” says Jody McGann General Manager Education and Apprentices, Master Builders Association NSW.
“And now, we are thrilled to announce that Felicity is a finalist in the Southern & South Western Sydney region for the 2024 NSW Vocational Student of the Year Award”.
The winner will be announced at an award ceremony held on 21st June 2024 and whatever the results, Felicity will have all of Master Builders NSW behind her.