Course Overview

The new Diploma of Waterproofing Design and Survey aims to raise industry standards and improve the quality of waterproofing systems in both residential and commercial building sectors. As demand for specialised waterproofing expertise grows, acquiring this qualification now will equip professionals with a competitive edge in the industry.

This qualification looks at designing durable systems that reduce the risk of water ingress and structural damage, enhancing long term building performance. It’s about developing the ability to investigate and identify the root causes of waterproofing failures and then creating tailored designs for challenging environments, such as high-rise buildings or areas of extreme weather.

It provides comprehensive knowledge of how to select the most appropriate waterproofing systems and ensuring compliance with building code standards for below ground, external, and internal designs. For existing structures, it includes conducting inspections and audits to locate and identify any defects and produce rectification plans.

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process allows industry professionals to obtain this qualification by formally recognising their technical skills and experience without disrupting their work schedules. Through RPL, you can achieve a nationally recognised qualification by submitting evidence of your existing knowledge, skills, and experience, without the need to attend classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

A general guide to fees for this qualification pathway:

Diploma of Waterproofing Design and Survey - RPL

Master Builders Member Rate


Non-Member Rate


Note: On enrolment, you will be invoiced for $1,000.00. This consists of a non-refundable administration fee.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process by which you can achieve a nationally recognised qualification, without the need to attend classes. Simply follow our RPL kit and provide video and photographic evidence of the knowledge, skills and experience you have. Our industry expert assessors review your submission and provide feedback if we require more information or clarification.

The assessment practical activities are very specific and require you to have access to your workplace and a variety of job tasks. These tasks relate to the practical components of each unit of competency, and you must be able to have access to tools, equipment and materials necessary to carry out the tasks.

To participate you will need a laptop or computer with internet access to login. With our RPL program you can submit all the required assessment knowledge questions, practical activities and evidence in our online student system.

Watch our video for tips on how to gather evidence for your RPL kit.


Examples of the types of evidence that you will need to gather will depend on the qualification you are completing, however, examples could include:

  • Video footage of you performing tasks on site
  • Certificates you have already gained 
  • Project management documentation

Watch our video for tips on the types of evidence you need to gather for your RPL kit.

The CPC50722 Diploma of Waterproofing Design and Survey RPL program is designed to enable industry professionals to formally recognise their skills and technical knowledge, in selecting the most appropriate waterproofing system and producing a waterproofing design for a construction project.

Career benefits:

  • Develop expertise in identifying waterproofing requirements, material selection and system design for complex structures
  • Formally recognise your existing design and survey skills and knowledge
  • Few professionals focus on waterproofing at this level, making it a niche skill that can set you apart in the industry
  • Professionals with specialised skills in waterproofing are in high demand to ensure compliance and prevent costly repairs
  • Holding this qualification will demonstrate advanced competency and commitment to quality
  • Be involved in high profile and complex projects requiring advanced waterproofing expertise
  • Raise waterproofing industry standards and improve quality
  • Be recognised as a waterproofing industry specialist
  • Expand your business capabilities

Occupations may include:

  • Waterproofing Consultant
  • Structural Engineer
  • Hydraulic Engineer
  • Remedial Engineer
  • Architect
  • Certifier
  • Technical staff from waterproofing vendors/suppliers

The qualification has core units of competency requirements that cover common skills for the construction industry. The industry requires general employability skills such as:

  • Supervise site communication
  • Work Health and Safety practices
  • Apply building codes and standards
  • Administration processes
  • Problem-solving
  • Inspecting, Designing and Planning
  • Self-management
  • Technology

Master Builders applies the following entry requirements:

  • Experience: Five (5) years full-time equivalent industry experience in a role that requires an in-depth understanding of waterproofing systems. This may include waterproofing designers, waterproofing consultants, remediation design practitioners, architects, engineers, waterproofing inspectors, technical staff of waterproofing suppliers and other relevant waterproofing technical design roles.


  • Reference: Details of one or more referees such as engineers, architects, certifiers, builder or other design practitioners who can confirm your waterproofing design history and experience, particularly on large commercial projects.
  • Site Access: access to sites and a valid White Card (General Construction Induction Card)
  • access to building projects up to three (3) storeys for;
    • Residential – NCC Class 1 and 10 buildings, and
    • Commercial – NCC Class 2 to 9, Type C and B construction
  • Entry Quiz: achieve at least 80% during the application process
  • Computer Literacy: advanced computer skills and access to relevant technology
  • Resources: own tools, equipment and resources to be able to undertake RPL practical projects.

Please download and read the Course Information Brochure for further information.

Apply for your USI prior to application.

Enrolment Conditions

Master Builders has enrolment conditions to help you progress through your training:

  • Students cannot enrol in more than one online qualification and/or program at the same time.
  • Students cannot undertake more than two programs in total at a time.
  • This does not include our online Professional Development, CPD Made Easier, or short 1 or 2 day courses.


This RPL program is designed to be completed within 12 months, with a maximum time of 24 months.

We recommend committing 10-15 hours per week on the course to complete within the 12 months.

At the end of the 12 months, our Customer Service team will work with you to provide an online learning option for any units of competency that you are unable to achieve in the RPL process.

In order to successfully achieve the CPC50722 Diploma of Waterproofing Design and Survey, participants must be assessed as competent in sixteen (16) units of competency. The units of competency offered by Master Builders are:




Report on quality audits


Select, prepare and administer a construction contract


Read and interpret plans and specifications


Prepare simple building sketches and drawings


Design below ground waterproofing


Design external above ground waterproofing


Design waterproofing to internal wet areas


Determine origin of water and moisture ingress into buildings


Prepare a scope of works for remedial waterproofing


Survey waterproofing systems


Inspect and assess sites to inform the design process

Participants are also required to undertake five (5) elective units:


Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 buildings


Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C buildings


Resolve business disputes


Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects


Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


$3,950 / $4,250

Subsidies Available

View Course Fees


Available Now


Recognition of Prior Learning from your workplace


12 months

Apply Now


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