Update Your Trade Qualification and Upgrade Your Pay!

Do you want to improve your career in construction? Update your trade qualification.
Do you want to upgrade your pay grade? Update your trade qualification.
Vocational Education and Training courses offer avenues to increase your employment opportunities.
A survey from almost 250,000 Vocational Education and Training (VET) students confirm the benefits of vocational training, particularly in the construction industry.
Construction Graduates achieved better full-time employment results than the average graduate in other fields (77.8% of Construction Graduates were employed after training, compared with 68.6% for other graduates). More likely to be employed, they also command higher full-time starting salaries ($60,900 versus $60,000). You can increase your pay and your potential for full-time employment.
The higher level of qualification achieved, the more you will earn. Graduates of the Diploma of Building and Construction earn the highest post-qualification starting wages ($79,200). Next is graduates with Certificate IV in Building and Construction ($75,000) and Certificate III in Waterproofing ($74,700).
Students with Certificate III in Carpentry, Painting and Waterproofing earn higher starting wages than other graduates of the same level.
VET qualifications teach you the practical skills required to advance your career. The Construction Industry is one of NSW’s largest full-time employers. Skilled employers add value to a company’s business and reputation. Most construction businesses support their employees in updating their skills and qualifications. They know the long term benefits to their businesses.
Post-pandemic economic recovery is important. Addressing the skills shortage is a nationwide priority. You can join the recovery, play your part and reap the benefits.
Master Builders NSW is the leading education provider in the building and construction industry. You will learn from industry experts and receive support along the way from Master Builders customer service teams. There is a VET construction course for every stage of your career. Why not start now?
Contact Master Builders Education and Skills Development
Phone: (02) 8586 3588
Email: [email protected]
Website: mbansw.edu.au
For more information, you can download the report here
The National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER) recently released VET student outcomes 2020. For this publication close to 250,000 VET students that completed nationally recognised training in 2019 completed the VET student outcomes survey in mid-2020.
The Master Builders Australia full analysis looks at employment outcomes, satisfaction, starting wages and further study across construction qualifications and in comparison to averages. Download the VET Student Outcomes report now.